Manuel du 4x4 – Pour globe-trotters & baroudeurs au long cours
Guide Overland Aventure - (Août 2022)
Paperback: 394 pages
Language: French
ISBN: 979-10-699-9778-3
Product dimensions: 152 x 228 x 18 mm
Prix de vente : 32,9 €
Sommaire : vous pouvez consulter le sommaire ici, ou là, ou Guide Overland Aventure.
Vous pouvez vous le procurer chez  Rakuten - Ebay - Guide Overland Aventure
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Geological Wonders of Namibia
Published by: Penguin Random House - South Africa - (February 19, 2018)
Paperback: 160 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1775842940
ISBN-13: 978-1775842941
You can visit the Editor site @ Penguin Random House - South Africa

Traité de Volcanologie Physique
Published by Lavoisier Tec & Doc. Ed. -  (February 2017)
Paperback: 466 pages
Language: French
ISBN-10: 2743022582
ISBN-13: 978-2743022587
Product dimensions: 10.2 x 0.9 x 7.5 inches
You can visit the Editor site @ Lavoisier
You can order it on Lavoisier - Amazon - other

Volcans. Du feu et de l'eau
Published by Belin Ed. - 208 pages - November 2013 - ISBN 978-2-7011-7561-4
You can visit the Editor site @ Belin
You can order it on Amazon or FNAC
Guide Vert Michelin Islande
Published by Michelin - 327 pages - 2013 - ISBN 206718136X 
This travel guide is entirely illustrated with our photographs. We also authored the texts related to geology, fauna, and flora.
You can order this guide-book on Amazon, FNAC, Michelin
Chasseurs de volcans
Published by Omniscience - 240 pages - 2012 - ISBN 978-2-916097-42-8
We published a number of volcanoes pictures for this collective edition
Islande. Splendeurs et colères d'une île
Published by Belin Ed. - 208 pages - 2010 - ISBN 978-2-7011-5762-7 
You can order it on Amazon or FNAC
Sino French - A success story (1985-2005)
Published by Sino-French Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited - 116 pages - 2005 
This corporate book is mostly illustrated by Anne-Marie's photographs
Thailand: Places with a heart (100 Resorts)
Published by Encyclea Publications Imprint of Asiatype, Inc. - 328 pages - 2004 - ISBN-10: 9710321013 and ISBN-13: 978-9710321018
This travel-guide was co-authored by Lily Yousry-Jouve and Anne-Marie
Le tour du monde de Clara et Gaspard
Published by France Loisirs - 80 pages - 1998 - ISBN-10: 2744121827 and ISBN-13: 978-2744121821
La gestion active des aquifères
Published by Masson-Dunod - 400 pages - 1997 - ISBN 2-225-85623-0
You can buy the book  there
Water Wells, Implementation, Maintenance and Restoration
John Wiley & Sons, Series in Water Resource Engineering - 400 pages - 1997 - ISBN 2-225-85622-2 and ISBN 0-471-96695-9
You can buy the book  there
Le Forage d'eau - Réalisation, entretien, réhabilitation
Published by Masson-Dunod Ed. - 379 pages - 1993 - ISBN 2-225-84175-6
You can buy the book  there

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