We published some papers related to the icelandic lava tubes in French, Spanish and Italian:
1) Detay M. — Volcanospéologie en Islande, perspectives scientifiques et émergence du géotourisme, in LAVE, revue de l’association de volcanologie européenne, 148, Janvier 2011, 18-31 (2011). (French)
You can get the paper
here2) Detay M., Hroarsson B. — Tunnel di lava, in
Le Scienze 511, 70-77 (2011). (Italian)
here3) Detay M., Hroarsson B. — Túneles de lava, in
Investigacion y Ciencia, septiembre 2011, 420 62-67 (2011). (Spanish)
here4) Detay M., Hroarsson B. — Les tunnels de lave, in
Pour la Science, 399, 56-61, (2011). (French) You can access the paper
Detay M., Gilli E., Gilli P., Hroarsson B. — Volcanospéologie en Islande. Spelunca 146, 19-28 (2017). You can access the paper
We also published a book on Iceland with some pictures of lava tubes and a book on volcanoes also with some picture of lava tubes:
A) Detay M., Detay A.-M. — Islande - splendeurs et colères d’une île. Belin Ed. 208 p. (2010). ISBN 978-2-7011-5762-7
hereB) Detay M., Detay A.-M. — Volcans - de feu et d'eau. Belin Ed. (2013). ISBN 978-2-7011-7561-4
hereC) Detay M. – Traité de volcanologie physique. Lavoisier Tech et Doc Ed. (2017).
hereYou can also listen to some radio podcast for France Culure
here and RFI
hereYou can also visit 2 websites on 'Planet Terre' dedicated to lava tubes
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